The Knights of Angelgard

Manual of Memetic Warfare
Memetic Warfare Division
Web Links

This page provides a guide for those wishing to join our struggle or to embark upon a campaign of memetic warfare of thier own.

The first, most basic, fundamental and important principle of memetic warfare is that doctrine espoused by Ghandi - be the changes you would like to see in the world. And we can add to this the exortation that one must make them alluring, beautiful, cool, succeful, and so on within your own mind, personality and life. Only by first accomplishing this is it possible to attain the greatest degree of success.
However, aside from this general consideration there are more specific activities which a person can engage in to further a particular end through memetic warfare.
The first thing one must do in such a case is to take some time to consider both that which you seek to promote and what kind of people may be receptive to such a meme. Think of your task as somewhat similar to that of a salesperson or advertising / marketing executive; identify your target market, consider what the advantages of your meme would be to them, identify similar memes which would be sympathetic to that which you promote and tailor your campaign accordingly.
To be continued....

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