The Knights of Angelgard

Memetic Warfare Division
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Our Mission Statement:

'To wage war upon ignorance, oppression, false morality and weakness, and so to work towards the enlightnement, empowerment and liberation of all people'

Who We Are

The Knights of Angelgard are an agency of spiritual insurection, waging war upon the ignorance,  oppression and sufferring of the world.
The term 'angelgard' is taken from the angelic language of Enochian, first revealled to the infamous John Dee and his assistant Edward Kelly;  it is rendered in English as 'thought'. Ours is not a war for territory or material power, but for the hearts and minds of the people of the world; and our weapons are not guns or bombs, but intelligence and thought.

For a more detailed look at our philosophy and strategy please take a look at the Future of war in the Memetic Warfare Division section.
